Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Psalms 46-Be Still

1) Recognize that God permits time of trouble

God allows everything to happen.
You will only be ready if you know who allowed it

When something happens, our natural reaction is 'its a spiritual attack'
Yes Satan is at work, in tempting, in casting worries, sorrows etc.. but it is a test given by God

When trials happens, God's plan is fulfilled. we..
1) know exactly why it happened
2) learn lessons from it
3) never know why it happens but still fulfill His purpose

Why trials happen?
1) Bring us back to God as we might have taken our eyes off Him
2) Test us and have greater faith in Him

Even though we may or may not understand why He allowed certain things to happen, we must never question His Sovereignty.
He knows best. We only see things at a micro level, but He see things at a macro level. He sees the future and goes way beyond.

Romans 8:28 'All things work together for good, to them who love God and are called according to His purpose.'

When Satan wanted to tempt Job, God is the one who allowed it.
Nothing happens without God's permission.

2) Recognize God's purpose for time of trouble

Our eyes must be fixed on Jesus.

In war, the flag must never fall to the ground. Similarly, we should hold the flag and not drop it..

James 1:3-4 '
For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.

Tough times reveals who we really are, our character and our faith in Him.
It makes us stronger and have greater faith

His strength is made perfect in our weakness. When we are weak we turn away from our own abilities and seek Him, we are strong in the Lord.

Genesis 1:26 we are made in the image of God. To reflect Him through our lives.

Through trials, when we are tested and able to react in a way that's honorable to Him, people especially unsaved love ones see our lives and see Christ.
And they are one step closer to salvation

3) Recognize God's presence in times of trouble

PRAYER connects us with God
God is with you, who can be against you?
Matt 28:20 'He is with us always!'

will post about Cambodia soon:)