Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rock, Paper, Scissors!



Scissors- Thumbs Up?

And Elias won.
Some how the thumbs up became a rock. =p

Jan says: 'again' every time I put her down.
So it went on for about 20plus times..
My arms was aching today.. HAHA

JAN JAN!! :))

I've decided..
I'll start on my poster the coming weekend.
Time to get things going! :)

Uth & Vibe was a blast!
Oh ya..
End of the Blueprint course..
Really thank God for this course..
I've learnt so so much..
And I definitely encourage all to go through it! :))
Movie was okayy I guess..
Yepps. :))

Great time spent with my parents today.. :)
I really love my Mum & Dad.
Oh ya!
TERESA, when are we gonna spend the day reading?

I need to and I want to read.. :D
TENNIS tomorrow 630pm my place.
Bring your racket. :))